Wednesday 25 February 2015

How To Know If Car Air-Cond Gas Is Lesser

On my last visit to workshop to service my car, I learnt something new about car. After the mechanic done checking on my car, he told me that my car air-cond has lesser gas already and need to top up. I was quite skeptical about that. So the mechanic showed me how to know if the gas in car air cond has been lesser or not.

He started my car engine and let the air-cond running, after a few minutes there was some bubble forming up inside the small glass hole located at the engine compartment area. During the topping up of my car air-cond gas, it can be seen that the bubble forming was lesser and lesser until there was no bubble forming at all.

After few months, I checked again my car small glass hole indicator while the engine and air-cond are running. There was no bubble forming up and this indicate my car air-cond gas is still in the right amount and there was no leaking of gas from my car air-cond system.

The air-cond gas condition can be identified by looking at the small glass hole indicator located near to engine compartment area. The small glass hole is connected to air-cond system. When there is bubble forming inside the small glass hole while the air-cond is running after 5 mins-10mins, it means some of the air-cond gas has been disappeared. The more bubble is seen, means more air-cond gas has been disappeared. A car air-cond system that is good in condition and has good amount of gas will not have any bubble forming inside the glass hole during air-cond is running.

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